Email: or call: 01647 252542 option 1.
Below you will see our determined admissions policy documents. There is one for each academic year. We consult annually on our policies, between the beginning of November and January.
The next consultation will be for the 2023-24 academic year. Each policy is based on the previous year but there may be changes that we propose from one year to the next. Proposed policies will be published here during their consultation period.
Click here to access the Devon County Admissions page
Devon’s annual consultation on School Admission Arrangements 2024/2025
Devon’s annual consultation on School Admission Arrangements 2024/2025 is now running and will close on Friday 6 January 2023.Details of the consultation are at Admissions, transport and relevant areas consultation – Education and Families (
Responses must be submitted either by email to or in writing to School Admissions and Transport Consultation, Devon County Council, Room L60, County Hall, Exeter EX2 4QG by Friday 6 January 2023. All responses will be shared with schools and considered. A report will be presented to Devon County Council’s Cabinet meeting on Friday 10 February 2023 for determination including the individual admission policies for community and voluntary controlled schools.
The key dates for the consultation are –
Devon LA consultation ends |
6 January 2023 |
Admission arrangements to be determined |
by 28 February 2023 |
Admission arrangements to be published |
15 March 2023 |
Deadline for formal objections to the School Adjudicator |
15 May 2023 |
Christow Community Primary School, Dry Lane, Christow, EX6 7PE
Further Information
Education South West
School Admissions Team
Telephone contact through My Devon on 0845 155 1019
Devon County Council policies
Available at
School Appeals
Telephone contact through My Devon on 0845 155 1019
Clerk to the Independent Appeals Panel, County Hall, Exeter, EX2 4QG
Education Welfare Service
Telephone contact through My Devon on 0845 155 1019
Education Transport Team
Telephone contact through My Devon on 0845 155 1019
The Department for Education (DfE) Telephone 0870 000 2288